“Megaport’s fabric allows DTS to cost effectively utilise our universal tier 1 access to NZ ultra-fast broadband (UFB) services by opening up access to Australian wholesale demand. Not only that, Megaport extends the reach of our network, they help us cost effectively connect to our Australian wholesale clients plus the elastic nature of the service means it is an ideal low-cost secondary option as a backup trans-Tasman layer provider.“
– Colin South, DTS Technical Director
DTS approached Megaport in 2016 to realise cloud connectivity and business agility. They are a seamlessly integrated trans-Tasman ISP. They are all about business, providing internet, WAN, IP voice, hosting, managed hardware, and professional services. This makes them an interesting case as their absolute breadth of service offerings enables customers to fulfill the majority of their IT and telecommunications needs. Through the addition of Megaport, customers now get the added benefit of on-demand, scalable access to major public cloud providers.
Operating since 2002, they now have staff located in six cities across New Zealand and Australia, and have amassed 26 points of presence. It’s great to have a single provider that can offer such comprehensive throughout both Australia and New Zealand. The key mantra that DTS has, is that they maintain shared capability between the two countries. This means that whatever they’re selling to a customer in New Zealand, that also has to be available via DTS to them in Australia, and vice versa.
For more information, contact parrish.green@megaport.com
Author: Camille Denning
Marketing Communications at Megaport