Exciting news and more information from the DTS Technical Team! Those receiving our invoices will have seen a recent attachment describing our new VRS product, short for ‘Verse Reception Service’, which, I am proud to say, is now officially launched! How VRS works VRS offers customers a fully trained team […]
DTS News
You may recall late last year when I touched on new products that we were looking to launch to compliment our own DTS suite of services. Of late, we’ve been busy in the background getting ourselves fully prepared for the launch of each respective product so that we are able […]
You may have been hearing a bit about net neutrality in the news lately and be wondering what it is, what it means for you, and what DTS thinks about it. Putting it really simply, the principle of net neutrality forbids ISPs from speeding up, slowing down, charging more for, […]
Dear Customer We would like to inform you that the brownout period for DTS this year is 08:00 am 18th December 2017 to 08:00 am 8th January 2018, although we can still process basic provisioning requests during this period. DTS will also have some staff working through the Xmas/New Years […]
Though longer than my usual posts, this is just a quick overview of the ransomware situation as it currently stands in our neck of the woods. The good news is customers probably have nothing to worry about but you should take steps to make sure that remains the case. Only […]
As DTS Managing Director I strive to be ever mindful that without our customers we wouldn’t be here and there’d be no point in what we do. DTS is going from strength to strength in terms of growth and turnover with March and May this year being our best […]
“Megaport’s fabric allows DTS to cost effectively utilise our universal tier 1 access to NZ ultra-fast broadband (UFB) services by opening up access to Australian wholesale demand. Not only that, Megaport extends the reach of our network, they help us cost effectively connect to our Australian wholesale clients plus the […]
DTS customers and other readers may be aware that our CEO Brendan Ritchie resigned in late November 2016 and has moved on to pursue other interests. As a result, Steve Ritchie and Colin South will be returning to the company full-time and will resume their original roles; Steve as Managing […]